Computational materials science is one of the most rapidly
developing and exciting fields in materials science because
of the revolutionary advances that have been made in computer
processing speed and memory capacity. We focused on modeling
the thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformations and
microstructure evolution in bulk and thin films using mesoscale
computer simulation techniques such as phase-field models
and microscopic master equations.
Some specific examples of ongoing projects in our group include:
Thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformations and
coarsening in coherent solids;
Evolution of domain structures in ferroelectric and ferroelastic
thin films;
Interactions between dislocation and phase microstructures;
Physical properties of evolving microstructures.
305 Steidle Building, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 814-865-0389; Fax: 814-865-0016
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